As a teenager in Boy Scouts, I was doing my Order of the Arrow ordeal, which is an overnight solo camping experience.You are dropped off in the woods at night with just your pack and sleeping bag.
As I lay looking at the sky, a variable number of different colored orbs appeared in the sky at a relatively high altitude.
For hours, I watched as the objects sped up, slowed down, maneuvered around each other.
The objects exhibited different colors and appeared to change colors.
These were red/green/blue & yellow but I never recall seeing white.
Being alone didn't bother me as they seemed a great distance and rather playful.
On Saturday after the solo camp out, all new OA candidates must remain silent until the evening meal.
At that meal, one of the adult participants at my table started talking about the lights he had seen in the sky the night before.
He said he was an air traffic controller at the Ardmore, OK airport and that it was unlike anything he had ever seen.
This started a conversation that involved many of the overnight campers who had witnessed the same light show.