3 Saucers Sighted By 5 Kids

3 Saucers Sighted By 5 Kids

Date: June 15, 1963

Location: St. Paul, MN

On a bright, sunny Saturday afternoon, my brothers & sisters and I were at nearby elementary school, 2 doors down from our home, playing baseball on the front lawn.

I was only about 6 years old at the time.

Someone, I can't recall which of us, spotted 3 silver saucer type UFOs in the sky, just off to the southwest.

They didn't appear very far away, and you could easily see them through the treetops, though they may have been much higher in actuality.

There was no sound whatsoever emitted from the space crafts and the view was clear.

To this day we all remember the sighting.

I ran home to tell my parents, but within seconds the saucers vanished.

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