Close View Of UFO During Daylight Hours

Close View Of UFO During Daylight Hours

Date: June 6, 1963

Location: Santa Cruz, CA

My friend and I were playing basketball in our driveway, when a UFO appeared directly overhead.

It almost filled the sky, rough estimate today: Elevation 250', Craft diameter 200' to 300'.

It remained motionless & silent overhead for approximately 2 seconds.

Black smoke billowed out of it.

Then it re-appeared over our neighbor's house, some 1,000" to the northwest.

It paused for approximately 2 seconds and then disappeared.

My friend and I ran into the house and called our science teacher.

He asked if any adults see it? We said, 'no.' He then responded, "Forget about it.

But we never have, and both remember the same details, many years later.

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