Sighting Of A Strange Object

Sighting Of A Strange Object

Date: July 15, 1963

Location: Santa Ana, CA

It was late and dark, and I was lying on my back on the sidewalk in front of my residence looking thru binoculars I had just gotten for my birthday in July.

Gazing up into the night time at the stars and focused on one particular that was on a movement in a parallel manner.

Traveling from the South to North when it disappeared behind another star/light larger that itself.

Waiting for it to come thru on the other side and it seemed like ages, but it came out going in the direction it had came from.

It was traveling at a good rate of speed too.

I was somewhat flabbergasted by the results and told my wife about the incident at the time and did think it was unusual?

I kept this to myself all these years, but did occasionally tell of this to a few individuals.

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