During one evening my 2 siblings and I saw a high silver giant flying saucer hovering over our house.It was just a couple of hundred feet in the air, it was huge, silver and made no noise and it stood perfectly still.
We all looked out the window at it in awe.
The saucer then flew past our house 2 blocks over.
We ran to the back of house and looking out the window we could see it hovering over a busy intersection.
I expected to read about it in the paper and hear about it in the news, but nothing was said.
Anyway, while it was 2 blocks away, I grabbed a flashlight and started waving it toward the saucer.
I wanted to go outside but then I hesitated.
The saucer came back over our house to its original position and just stayed suspended in the air, not making any noise.
I then started counting the tiny lights that were underneath the craft all around the bottom of it in one big circle.
I counted about 18 lights and then it took off in an upward direction, it was so fast that it looked like it disappeared.
The craft looked like it could have held 100 people in it as it was huge.
My brother & sister recall that night in wonder, awe & amazement.
I felt that something may have come back because one night I heard the strangest noise outside my window, but I was too scared to look out.
It was a high pitched noise that that got higher and higher, I had to cover my ears to keep from going crazy.
I personally remember my adolescent period as one of chronic insomnia and I was always checking the windows to make sure they were locked.
I do not have any memory or inkling that I may have been taken nor does my brother or sister.
The day after this happened, in school a brave boy stood up and told the class what he saw.
He saw the saw saucer from his house, he lived maybe 4 blocks from me, no one believed him and I did not say a word.
If I had seen a strange light in the distance or an object too fuzzy to make out,
I may not be as strong a believer, but what I saw was so close to the ground and so clear.
I wonder why the majority of sightings are not of this type.