UFO Hovering Over A Parking Lot

UFO Hovering Over A Parking Lot

Date: July 24, 1962

Location: Rensselaer, NY

Object was domed at the top, had a beveled center portion and an additional smaller beveled section at the bottom.

This bottom section was surrounded by colored lights that did not revolve but rather flashed.

It was hovering over a parking lot on a Sunday afternoon and was less than 100' off the ground.

It wasn't shinny but more of a dull metallic finish, and made no noise.

My best friend noticed it first and fell off his bike.

I only noticed because I heard the crash of his bike as I was riding next to him, he was staring up and speechless.

I too was startled but I asked him if we should call the police, mind you I was only 10 years old and inexperienced at this.

He didn't answer and at that point the lights on the bottom section instantly began to spin at a greater revolution than before and flew off in a straight line disappearing over the Hudson river in a matter of no more than 5 seconds.

There was only a slight hum emanating from the craft as it accelerated.

My friend was not able to function in school for a long period of time after this, he would just stare blankly at the chalkboard.

I attempted to verify this event with him 15 years later after we grew up.

Even then he was visibly upset and did not want to talk about it, waving me off when I began to ask the question.

I have not seen another object day or night since this occurred.

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