Large Red Light Flanked By Smaller Red Lights

Large Red Light Flanked By Smaller Red Lights

Date: May 15, 1962

Location: Pittsburg, OK

I was a young boy, approximately 10 or 11 years old at the time of my sighting and living in a small, farming community in southeastern Oklahoma.

I was an airplane enthusiast and modeler at the time, but UFOs were not in my vocabulary, I had never heard the term before.

One spring evening, probably late May or early June about 1962 or 1963, I went to bed at 9:00 p.m. which was my normal routine.

My bed was placed next to my window facing West, and, as usual, I would stare out into the night sky prior to falling asleep.

This time, just as I was drifting off to sleep, I saw an unusual object floating in the sky, seemingly just outside my window.

Coming fully awake, I was startled to see a large, circular red light, approximately the size and color of a traffic light as seen from about 100' away, hovering at a height approximately 50-60 ft. above the ground.

On either side of the large light were 2 smaller red lights, about ¼ the size of the central light, and angling upwards at about 45° so that the entire object appeared V shaped.

I continued to watch the object for approximately 15 seconds, at which point the following occurred:

The large, central light dimmed to about half its former luminosity and the 4 smaller lights winked out completely, leaving only the large light visible.

Approximately 2 or 3 seconds later, the 4 smaller lights reappeared only this time in a straight line, 2 above and 2 below the central light.

The smaller lights were also dimmed this time to match the brightness of the central light.

I continued to watch this arrangement for approximately 15 more seconds before the lights winked out completely.

I remember that my window was open that night and at no time did I ever hear any noise from the craft, nor did it change position while in view.

I also remember there being a stiff breeze that evening as evidenced by the rustling of the tall grass in the field directly behind my back yard which would seem to rule out a balloon of some kind.

I also believe that all of the lights correlated to just one object and not that all of the lights were individual objects.

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