Silent & Suspended Water Tower Appears Over Houses

Silent & Suspended Water Tower Appears Over Houses

Date: May 15, 1963

Location: Brooklyn, New York City, NY

In the early morning, as I was waiting for my sister to come out of the bathroom so that I could get ready for work.

I was lying on the bed in my room, which used to be a porch, because there were low windows, all I had to do was lift my head up to look outside.

Directly across from my vision, in our 2 story house, hanging soundlessly and dead center over the hip joint of our neighbor's roof, was a light tan, about 3' in height, water tower, a round top with symmetrical legs, appearing object.

No lights, no sound, no movement.

As I looked, I called my mother in and she also said what the hell is that?

I had an 8mm Kodak Brownie movie camera that I always used and ran for it, but it had no film.

My mother and I watched as this object as it began to movie slowly, silently & perfectly straight up about 30' and just hang there.

A couple of moments later, it started to move to the right about 30' also, stopped a few moments, and then go back to the center-line over the house and down to the original position.

It waited only a few seconds this time and went straight up about 30' again and then to the left and slowly, slowly moved above all the 2 story houses on the block where it moved behind the trees and into the sunlight coming from the East.

I then lost sight of it.

I must stress that it was perfectly symmetrical and its movements were perfectly aligned with no wobbling, no lights and no sound.

It was absolutely suspended in mid-air.

At first we thought it was some kind of kite, but, boy-oh-boy, it sure wasn't.

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