The craft up close was enormous and turned on a semi circular white light which wrapped around it's flattened shape.I first saw it about 30 degrees from the zenith and to the southwest.
At first it was a pinpoint of white light moving towards the horizon as it moved, maybe in descent.
It changed colors in a spectral sequence of white/blue/green/yellow/orange/red.
It now appeared as 2 red lights near the horizon in the southwest, off to the right, a small plane seemed to be approaching it's last position.
And then to my astonishment a brilliant white light happened near where they would have met.
Now I was peering intently thinking an explosion had occured.
But then I saw the 2 red lights again and now closer and apparently approaching me.
It moved slowly and I thought at first I was looking at a large low flying plane however the red lights were steady and not blinking and as it drew closer I noticed it had only a low buzzing sound.
However even when it was just above the roadway in front of my house I still thought it was something from nearby Stewart AFB.
But then it turned on a white light which clearly revealed it's shape.
The light wrapped around the front of it as a semi circle and I could also see it had small wings which were more like fins and the red lights were at the ends of the fins.
It was 225' across and 275' front to back it's height was 30' or so.
It was moving very slowly at 175' above and maybe 15 mph, the white light lit up the roadway.
I noticed a slight wobble or hesitancy in its forward motion as if it were moving within some kind of field.
When It turned off it's main light which may have been on for a minute, it began to pivot around one off it's fins and then I was directly beneath it where I could now see a 3rd red light at it's rear and it's full shape from below as a flattened oval and the fins made it seem triangular.
It continued over our house and then to the fields behind.
I then ran inside, my brother was watching Johnny Carson.
We both watched it disappear banking behind the trees to the northeast.