On or about June 1963 I saw a chrome ball about the size of a beach ball hovering over the trees while in a boat fishing.I was about 10 years old and was out fishing with my Grandfather, we were in a small row boat on the lake just off shore near the point.
It was early evening just after super.
After dropping the anchor and casting my line toward shore, I looked above the trees and saw a chrome ball just over the trees.
At first I thought it was a balloon or maybe a beach ball, but the wind was blowing some and it didn't move.
My Grandfather was fishing off the other side of the boat and couldn't see it yet.
I continued to watch it and noticed I could see the reflection of the trees below it.
There had been a lot of talk on the TV about swamp gas and such being the reason for people seeing UFOs.
I remember thinking that this ain't no swamp gas.
After watching for just a few minutes, I said ,hey grandpa look at that.
I pointed so he could see.
He looked at it for a while and then told me to pull up the anchor.
I asked why and he said never mind just do it.
After putting the anchor into the boat I looked back up while my Grandfather was still watching it.
As I saw it just disappear in front of my eyes my Grandpa said were going in.
I looked all over for it and realized the Sun was going down and the lake was now calm.
I remember thinking it can't be that late already, but it was. I ran up to the cottage yelling all the way we saw a UFO.
My grandpa told me to hush and when my father asked grandpa said we saw something I don't know what it was.
No one would ever talk about it again.
Many years later I asked my dad about it and he said grandpa wouldn't talk about it, soon after grandpa died of cancer of the kidneys