I was a Police Officer on duty during the 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m shift in the central business district, I was operating a Jeep with a canvas top with the top in place.I had driven ½ a mile to a gas station where there was a Soft drink machine. I bought a bottle of soda, and drove to the center of town and into a parking lot with buildings on three sides intending to sit for a few minutes and enjoy my drink.
I was backed in near the the rear of the lot facing the street.
There was only a car now and then that was passing by, and the area was deserted and very quiet due to the hour.
As I sat drinking my soda, I became aware in my peripheral vision of some kind of movement to my right.
In this direction was a long narrow driveway that rose up from a street below that ran along the banks of the Wepawaug River.
I was shocked and alarmed to see coming up the hill on the ground a deep black patch, about 15' wide and 30' long.
It had the shape of a large gasoline storage tank of the type buried at gasoline stations, but just the footprint as it had no height at all.
What really scared me was that my first assumption that it was a shadow of something passing overhead was not confirmed by my frantic look out the window and up, and by the fact that it seemed to be completely opaque, that is I could not see the ground under it, and it looked for all the world like it could have been a huge piece of black velvet, and it had that kind of a visual texture.
It was moving toward me very slowly, perhaps less than 2 mph.
I had enough time to really panic and then when I decided to jump out and run, it was too late because it was over me.
I spun around wildly in my seat looking in every direction expecting something to come in after me, but nothing did.
Then I saw that it had passed over me and was again on the ground moving very slowly away from me in the same direction, toward the 2 story building to my left about 100' away.
I again looked out expecting to see something overhead, but there was nothing.
It continued moving toward the building, flowed up off the ground and up the side of the building at the same deliberate slow pace and disappeared across the roof and was gone.
There were stars out, no lights in the parking lot, and nothing I am aware of drove by during the minute or so that it took for all of this to happen.
I was too afraid to move for about 5 minutes, during which time I kept looking around to be sure nothing else was going to happen.
I then got up the courage to drive out of the lot at high speed, afraid to go back there again for weeks.
I never reported this for obvious reasons, except to family & friends of course, not needing the ridicule that was sure to follow.
I was about 22 years old at the time, very wide awake and alert, and not at all tired, I remember it vividly as I was so terrified by it.
A relative, sane and rational to the best of my knowledge, as I believe I am, told me he had seen something like it some time earlier near a swamp in Milford, and we concluded that there might be some connection to water, as what I had seen did come up the hill from an area close to a small river.
One thing that stands out in my mind is that I remember questioning my own sanity halfway through, when the thing was over me and I could not see any sign of it, hoping that was the end of it, but then the shock of seeing it reappear as it continued away from me, and the fact that it took enough time that I had a good opportunity to reconfirm what it looked like the last time I saw it, and the fact that even as it climbed the wall of the building, you could not see the building behind it, and it did not in any way seem to be a shadow, but a solid thing of some sort.
I still make no conclusion about what it was, but I do know I have no desire to see anything like it again, at least not when I find myself in such a vulnerable position.