I'm a 64 year old grandmother and it's something that I have tried to keep to myself for almost 30 years.
I have told a few family members and they all just roll their eyes, but I don't care quite frankly what anybody thinks.
I have 3 experiences in my life that I cannot explain as to why I am still here.
One, as a young child raised a Jehovah's Witness forcibly by my mother.
As a teenager I saw something to this day is very vivid in my brain, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in dinosaurs or anything in space.
They believe the human race is only been on Earth 6,000 years, this is why at the age of 17 soon after my first experience I walked away and never looked back.
The last time I ever spent any time with some teenage friends within this cult I witnessed something on the Kern riverbank while sleeping on the shoreline with 7 other people on this camping trip and I'm the only one that saw it.
I remember hyperventilating.
I was 17 when I saw 2 very high very bright lights one coming from the West and one coming East.
These bright lights were not laser pens, they were not strokes because the lights were in the space atmosphere they weren't in close proximity of what I was looking at.
They converge together straight up 12:00 High and a very high rate of speed no sound fooled around each other several times and started to the left and the other started to the right.
I looked at my companions and everybody was sound asleep.
My life completely changed after that and within a couple of weeks I walked away from my Mother's religion.
Second experience.
My youngest son and I were on my way to my ex-husband's home to pick up my older son after I've gotten off work, my youngest was in his car seat in the back of my SUV.
It was dark outside, I was traveling Northbound on the 405 freeway between Valley View Street & Seal Beach Boulevard westbound in Orange County California.
There was a lot of rush hour traffic but we were moving range of speed maybe 40 mph to 45 mph.
The driver in front of me slammed on the brakes I knew that I was going to die.
There was no way to stop, I put my head in my chest, I remember turning my head right to the look in the backseat passenger side of my son in the car seat.
I saw a rainbow of colored lights passing it such a speed that I couldn't even say how fast it was.
I saw my entire life flash before my eyes and seeing my 3 month old son in the car seat.
I saw a fast strobe of wormhole lights traveling from West to East from the side window.
I don't remember anything after that.
Mind you traffic was heavy there was no lane change across 6 Lanes of traffic.
I woke up on the far side of the 405 westbound freeway near side of Seal Beach Boulevard.
Not only was my vehicle parked, it was on the side of the road and the engine was still running.
I looked at my watch I had 10 minutes of missing time.
To this day I have no idea why I or my son is even here, by all rights we both should have died that night.
I've had family tell me that I need to have past life regression but I don't know that I want to know.
I understand from people who have had this you remember what you said, and you have to be willing to accept whatever that may be that you find out.
I'm not at that point yet.
I have met Travis Walton and have spoken to him at a lecture I had my picture taken with him.
He is one that suggested that I need to think about doing this, but I don't know if I ever will.
With my last experience I find comfort in this.
My father died in my arms in the house he and my mother left me 23 years ago.
I told him to come back and say hi once in awhile, he did a week and a half after he passed.
Very Vivid and it was not a dream I was awake I saw the orb on the wall I saw him sitting next to my bed.
And he still visits he likes to sometimes flush the toilet in his bathroom.
He and my mother I assume, like to open my bedroom door and night when I'm asleep.
It's locked and closed, but I wake up and it's partially open.
I am a faith believer, I try to keep an open mind of possibilities.
The only other people that will ever read what I have stated here is in the unpublished book I'm still writing for my sons that do not believe anything that I have said and my youngest was there and he's in denial.
When I'm no longer here they will find it in my home with all my belongings.