One of the craft landed. one remained in the air.Approximate size of the landed craft, as indicated by the burned grass was 45' in diameter.
Possible abduction of one individual, returned about 2 hours later second individual seen by elderly lady to be walking with her mother.
Since her mother was with me it had to be someone else.
Over the years not much was thought of this. however the first possible abductee has since gone blind by a disease known to be caused by radiation poisoning.
The other regressed to childhood and is in the care of a state institution.
It took 12 years for any thing to grow on the ground near landing area.
When it did it was a 4 leave clover. after about another 12 years. grass is able to grow.
Site was a overflow area for veterans and their families, of which my family was one.
My dad served in WWII under general MacArthur and took information as the over blow imagination of children and nothing further was ever done about it.
Several such visits were noted over the next 10 year period, including a dream like scenario of 2 houses in upper state newyork about 1967 &/or 68 of several children being chased down by a fleet of 4 or 5 saucers and a fly by of Vietnam.
With several prisoners of war being rescued and subsequently abducted the children being returned home.
Nothing known about the former prisoners or even if this was implanted information to cover up the abduction phenomenon.