4 Separate Sightings Of Entities

4 Separate Sightings Of Entities

Date: 1962 - 1963

Location: Lone Pine, CA

My 1st sighting was in 1962 at 10:00 a.m.

I was riding my horse out back of my home in the Alabama hills.

I came upon a craft suspended in the air about 15' up.

There were 2 men in brown behind the front window.

There was no noise, only a faint noise from the tail.

While I watched there was a rocket docking and undocking by itself, all alone in the mid air.

The whole vehicle was painted a beautiful white and I saw a force field all around it, like it could disappear at an instant.

The men looked mad and were talking as my horse and I stood there, when they saw me they softened and waved me away, I waved back and left.

My 2nd Sighting was at 11:00 a.m.

Just as I left the first sighting and turned around, on some rocks there were 8 black birds that were about 4' to 5' tall, standing upright in a circle talking very quietly and intent.

My horse and I did not stay long, I felt like they could hurt us if they wanted too.

My 3rd sighting was at 3:00 p.m.

I came from Movie Flat Rd. and over a small cliff across to Mt. Whitney Rd. and then into a creek to cool my horse's hoofs down.

It was then that I came upon some figures, there was at least 10 of them about 3' to 4' tall, dressed in white suits.

I heard a strange sound among them like communication.

None of them looked at me, but they wanted to.

They were single file, behind one another and one turned and looked at me while they were walking along the creek like a tour group, and began to go between the bushes and the creek.

I felt a very strong disapproval from the men so I struggled to leave on my horse.

However I felt like we were caught by something and doom was overcoming me, when my horse was able to break free and charge off with me on his back.

On the way home a fear followed me for almost 4 miles to my house.

I drew my mom a picture of the men, 3' or 4' tall wearing white suits with big eyes and head.

My 4th sighting was at 11:00 a.m.

Many saucers with beautiful colored lights went over our home late atnight, heading towards the Sierra's, flying very low.

Then something very fast went behind them and Dad, Mom & I saw a huge explosion at the mountains near Mt. Whitney.

Mom called someone the next morning and they told her nothing was found.

She was concerned since we all saw this together, but she had to accept it.

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