I was about 5 or 6 years old and it was around lunch because my mother was making a egg salad sandwich.
I was on the front porch drinking a Kool-Aid pack with my fingers when I looked up and saw a circular object with orange lights blinking.
The lights were around the middle, it was stationary and never moved from the position it was in.
But thinking this was something I never saw before wanted to show my mother, I called her and she came out.
She looked up but couldn't see it and as I pointed up to show her where it was it just disappeared.
She went back in to finish lunch.
I was surprised that it was gone and then started to feel sick to my stomach.
Thinking it was the Kool-Aid, I threw it down and then started to feel dizzy so I went to bed.
That night my parents had to take me to the emergency room because I had hemorrhaged all over my pillow.
The emergency room doctors said my tonsils had ruptured, I was spitting up chunks of blood.
I remember thinking that the doctor was dumb because at the time I thought it was really the Kool-Aid.
It wasn't until marriage and kids later that I recalled that event and wondered more about it.