Disk Appeared Over Building On Campus

Disk Appeared Over Building On Campus

Date: June 15, 1963

Location: Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, AR

A disk appeared over a building on campus, then a sonic boom from air base 50 miles away.

Craft zoomed up until it became star size.

Cigar craft appeared with 13 craft flying at sharp angles in and out of cigar craft.

I watched with campus police and hundreds of other students until after midnight.

A friend called home and the base had gone on alert.

Photos were taken by other students.

Next day local paper was full of the sightings.

The first craft was disk shaped with dome on top, while the cigar shaped craft was several hundred times the size of the craft.

Remember its been some time since I witnessed this event.

Has this been reported by anyone else? I'm not sure if this was ever reported .

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