Stealth Shaped As Big As A Football Field

Stealth Shaped As Big As A Football Field

June 30, 1963

Location: Johnstown, PA

In 1962 to 1964 I can't really remember the date, but my girlfriend an I went to a drive in theater it was called the Richland drive-in in Johnstown, PA.

As we waited for the movie to start they were showing the usual 5 minutes to go for food commercials the usual event before the movie.

When it was about time for the movie to come on you could here this crackling sound and then the lights and sound went dead, also the cars there there engines and lights went dead.

You could here this crackling sound but couldn't see anything because it was dark.

People got out of there cars an as we looked up there was an object the size of a football field coming across the sky.

It was shaped like a sphere almost like a stealth but 5 times as big there was a dome on its bottom that was a illuminated an seemed to rotate.

There was greenish/blue flames coming from the edges and it went right down the the skyline and it was flying away.

I have seen all kinds of shooting stars an unidentifiable objects in my life but this sighting has never left my mind I will never forget what I saw.

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