Oval Shaped UFO Hovering Over Our Neighborhood

Oval Shaped UFO Hovering Over Our Neighborhood

Date: May - 1963

Location: Jackson, OH

In late May 1963 my younger brother came running into the house yelling that there's a UFO outside.

Our whole family went running outside and up in the sky, perhaps 200', we saw an oval shaped ufo hovering up and to the right of our section of homes.

Daddy told my other brother to run inside and get his binoculars for a better look.

The Sun was setting, and so what I observed looked like a glowing red/orange disk, while my brother saw a silver disk.

I attribute this discrepancy as my seeing the setting Sun mirrored in the shiny surface of the disk.

A large group of neighbors came out to watch as the object just sat there for several minutes.

Finally, the thing zoomed off at a terrific speed, doing an amazing zigzag across the sky before flying out of sight.

Subsequently, in 2017, a local author wrote about this incident in a local history book.

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