UFO Landing In Hollywood, FL

UFO Landing In Hollywood, FL

Date: June 15, 1963

Location: Hollywood, FL

Our house was on a corner, my bedroom faced 20th Avenue, there was a street light on the corner that I could see sitting on my bed.

One night I awoke because of a noise.

I sat up in bed and looked out the window, there under the street light was a spaceship.

There was an opening, and small green colored men dressed in silver suits were coming out of the opening and there were a few more already on the ground walking in front of the spaceship.

My first thought was to run tell my parents or brothers but I was too scared and fascinated to move.

My sister slept in the same room as I did and I tried to wake her but she only turned over and continued sleeping.

I watched them for a long time.

I was worried that they might come into the house, we never locked our doors and it would be easy for them to just walk in.

I wanted to get up and at least lock the doors, but I was too uneasy.

I don't remember what happened afterwards because I didn't see them take off or get back in the spaceship.

When I woke up in the morning they were gone and I had an uneasy feeling that something had happened.

I know it sounds crazy, but it really did happen.

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