Orange Spheres Traveling Across Sky

Orange Spheres Traveling Across Sky

Date: June 15, 1963

Location: Grenada, MS

This happened a long time ago, 1963, I told many friends, just never reported it to an agency.

I was 6 years old and was playing cowboys & Indians in Grenada, MS.

I had a child's bow & arrow, I shot my arrow on top of some power lines and I was looking up trying to figure out how to get my arrow when I saw 2 orange spheres traveling West to East.

They were in a row, one behind the other.

I watched probably 3 or 4 minutes thinking to myself these are flying saucers, no sound, just gliding across the blue sky.

Then, I thought to myself I need to show this to someone. My dad was washing the car at our house about 200' away down a gravel driveway.

So I dashed as fast as I could run all the while yelling at my dad, by the time I reached him, the spheres had gone behind clouds, I didn't see them any more.

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