On the 1954 Greada Treaty, the Eisenhower administration bypasses the U.S. Constitution and form a pact with alien races.In exchange for advanced technology, the aliens would be allowed to make experiments on life stocks, minerals and a small group of humans.
Around 1953 some astronomers spotted a body of matter from outer space in a collision course to Earth.
Further analysis determined that those objects could not be asteroids or another natural stellar body.
A group of scientists hopes to contact & communication with the possible alien visitors.
The team succeeded establishing a conversation by radio communication and using the computer binary language.
It did not appear as a rescue mission from the 1947 Roswell UFO incident because of the number & size of the spaceships.
Initially, President Eisenhower rejected a face to face meeting with the aliens.
Apparently, the aliens arranged some exhibitions, at Holloman A.F.B. and onboard a United States Navy ship, of their power to the president.
The aliens related through messages that they came in peace.
President Eisenhower landed at Holloman A.F.B., in a Lockheed Constellation.
About 20 people on board, including secret service men with a small crew.
Air Force One taxied and stopped at about ½ a mile away from the base tower.
The civilians and military on the base had been told that while the president was here, this would be a business as usual day.
Right after the plane landed, the radar officers gave instructions to shut off all radar equipment.
Minutes later a ground patrol reported 2 UFOs approaching.
The tower received another report, a 3rd UFO spotted behind the first 2.
A soldier on the ground described the UFO as having a round shape with no tail, wings, and no audible engine.
The craft approached the president’s plane sitting alone on the runway.
The first 2 craft stopped about 300' over Eisenhower’s plane, and one descended on the far side of the airplane and to touch the ground about 200' in front of it.
The 3rd hovered over buildings with a good vantage point of anything that might come towards the plane and the other ship.
Eisenhower descended the staircase and walked in the direction of the round shaped disk on the ground, he paused for a moment right at the ramp.
It appeared that he was shaking hands with another individual, but the distance would not allow verification of this.
Eisenhower then entered the ship.
For about 45 minutes you can imagine how confused & tense the officials, Secret Service, and base personnel felt.
Dwight Eisenhower emerged from the spacecraft, with his recognizable erect military walk, towards Air Force One.
According to witness and researchers, they discussed the Greada Treaty and signed by the U.S. President and apparently at first with alien race known as Greys.
Later other races entered in on the Greada Treaty, Tall Whites, Reptilians & the Anunnaki.
The Greada Treaty states:
The aliens would not interfere in our affairs, and we would not interfere in theirs.
The U.S. Government would keep their presence on Earth secret.
The aliens would furnish the U.S. with advanced technology.
The aliens could abduct humans and livestock on a limited basis for medical examination and monitoring.
The people subjected to experiences would not be harmed, and returned to their point of abduction with no recollection of the event.
The U.S. could also do medical examination and genetic experience with aliens, they should share the results.
The aliens would be granted secret facilities for their accommodations and experiences.
The Majority Twelve – MJ12
Eisenhower established a permanent committee to oversee and conduct all covert activities with the aliens by the Greada Treaty.
This committee, created on secrecy by Executive Memorandum, NSC5410, is known as Majority Twelve, or simple as MJ12.
In later years this operation evolved into and became known as MAJI, the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence.
MAJI is responsible directly and only to the President of the United States.
Greada Treaty’s Whistleblowers.
These unusual events came to the public through a few witnesses & researchers, some of them, supposedly, paid the ultimate price, their lives.
Gerald Light, the psychic, sent a letter to the head of a Southern California metaphysical organization, on April 16, 1954, claiming to see the president and aliens spaceships.
Copies from this encounter, on Edwards A.F.B., reached various news sources.
Light’s alleged a psychic with out of body abilities, and that was the way he had his experience on Edwards A.F.B.
In the early 1990s Phil Schneider presented lectures giving talks on forms of alien lives.
Schneider was, allegedly, one of 3 people who survived at the infamous the 1979 Dulce Firefight.
The conflict involved large Greys, U.S. intelligence, and military at the Dulce underground base.
Schneider was found dead in his apartment, on January 1996, with a piano wire wrapped around his neck.
He suffered torture and all his presentation papers and research were missing from his apartment.
W. McElroy Jr, State Representative, A retired State Representative to New Hampshire, declared that Eisenhower not only was briefed but also meet with aliens.
While at the State Legislature, McElroy confirms he saw a document with references to this meeting.
Around September 2016, a man claiming to be the real John Titor coming from the year 2036 published a book telling his story.
In the book, he says that the President watched a squadron flying over Washington D.C., jets were sent to intercept it, but the jets couldn’t get it.
This event was published in the Washington Post at the time.
And in another opportunity, he was on board a Navy ship, and he saw another demonstration with ships emerging from the ocean nearby, fly for a little bit and fly back to the sea.
Coming from WWII not only the U.S. Army but other nations were decimated and could not fight back against such technology.
For that reason, he decided to sign a treaty with the aliens.
Americans were sold out.
From February 17th to 24th, 1954, Eisenhower scheduled winter vacation to Palm Springs.
But, on February 20, rumors spread that the president was critically ill and dead while he could not be found in the facility.
The covered story told by White House Press Secretary James Haggerty was that the president had chipped a tooth, and had been taken to a local dentist.
In 1979, the dentist’s widow did not recall any memory relating to her husband’s alleged most famous client.
Except, when asked to describe details of her & her husband’s attendance, by official invitation, at a steak fry the following evening, where her husband was introduced as the dentist who had treated the president.
There was no record of any dental intervention on February 1954 or the Greada Treaty.
President John F. Kennedy remarks about aliens. JFK, served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963.
Bill Holden, who also served as loadmaster for Air Force One traveled with Kennedy to Europe in the summer of 1963.
What do you think about UFOs, Mr. President?
A serious Kennedy replying:
I’d like to tell the public about the alien situation, but my hands are tied.
President Gerald Ford served as the 38th President of the United States from 1974 to 1977.
On Face The Nation, March 26, 1966, he answered the question.
What about lying saucersf? We’ve had some in Michigan in the past week.
Do you believe in flying saucers, you’ve called for a congressional investigation?
Dave, we’ve had several incidents in Michigan in the last week, incidents that many reliable good citizens felt were sufficient to justify some action by our government and not the kind of flippant answer given by the Air Force where the passed it off as some swamp gas.
President Jimmy Carter served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981.
Carter said during his 1976 election campaign, after witnessing a UFO himself.
One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky.
If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.
Despite his earlier pledge, once elected, Carter distanced himself from disclosure, citing defense implications as being behind his decision.
Ronald Reagan served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
I occasionally think how quickly our differences, worldwide, would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.
From Reagan’s 1988 speech with USSR’s President Mikhail Gorbachev. President Reagan made similar remarks on many other occasions.
George H.W. Bush served as the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1993, as the 43rd Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989 and CIA’s Director on 1976 to 1977.
Adam Guelch, a member MUFON, in 2016, asked George Bush Sr. when the U.S. government would tell Americans the truth about UFOs.
Americans can’t handle the truth.
Some researchers point to George H.W. Bush as one of the members of the MJ12.