Cigar Shaped Object Crossed Road In Front Of Me

Cigar Shaped Object Crossed Road In Front Of Me

Date: June 1, 1963

Location: Gonzales, TX

I was driving toward Gonzales, TX from Houston, and as I started to pass a slower moving vehicle.

This cigar shaped object crossed the road in front of me at a tremendous rate of speed.

It was approximately 8' above the ground going South to North.

The car in front of me swerved to the shoulder and I immediately pulled over as well.

I got out of my car and went back to the other driver who was a pregnant woman, and I asked her if she saw what I had witnessed.

She was trembling as we discussed what we had seen, I looked for the craft and it was no where to be seen.

But I noticed that the pasture grasses were parted where this object had passed by.

I drove onto Gonzales, and immediately to the police station to report what I had seen.

The officer dismissed it by saying that it was either a crop duster or some sort plane from the Air Force base near Galveston.

I asked him to call both places and he refused.

I wish I had gotten the woman's name so as to verify this claim.

I've waited all these years to come forth because of the ridicule I would have received among my family and acquaintances.

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