UFO Hovered & Made 90° Turns

UFO Hovered & Made 90° Turns

Date: July 1, 1963

Location: Mountains Northwest Of Colorado Springs, CO

About 11:00 p.m., in the company of my father, when outside and looking South down a large valley from our mountain A-frame house high on the mountain side northwest of Colorado Springs, CO.

We could see the lights of the city through the V shape at the bottom of the mountain valley and the full Moon was almost straight southsoutheast and at maybe a 70 degree angle up.

We had no lights on at the time as we were watching the stars and Moon.

My father brought to my attention a glowing single lighted object moving above the mountain ridge to the West of us and traveling South.

This would be to our right side maybe ⅛ to ¼ mile away.

The entire object glowed in a constant white light and seemed large and elongated.

We could see it through and above the trees depending on its position as it was above and on the opposite side of the mountain ridge from our viewpoint.

While moving South along and above the ridge it would stop and hover, move at right angles up and down for a period of maybe 2 minutes before it circled around to the left, easterly direction, at the far South end of the mountain ridge.

This next part took maybe 3 or 4 minutes, then it gained in altitude and stopped almost straight South of our view and hovered at maybe a 40° angle from our position over what seemed to be the north west area above the city of Colorado Springs, just East of the foot hills.

It must have been 7-10 miles away from us by this time, maybe more, but was still big enough to see its elongated shape.

While it hung in this position, 2 bright orange objects slowly came out of this UFO, about a minute apart, one from the top and then one from the bottom.

Once they were a short distance above or below the craft they shoot off at an incredible rate of speed in opposite directions, East and West, then disappeared immediately.

I then noticed a very high flying Jet coming from our East side and traveling southwest.

It was traveling very fast and seemed to be headed directly for the hovering UFO.

I speculate maybe 12,000' high.

I mentioned to my father that it seemed like it was heading straight at the UFO and wondered what would happen when it got close.

When the jet did get close to this UFO, it accelerated up and out at a +/- 45° angle straight South and disappeared out of sight in maybe 1 or 2 seconds.

Just like a scene in Star Trek when they go into warp, I have never seen anything accelerate that fast in my life except for a Sci-Fi movie.

At no time during this entire sighting did this object make any noise what so ever.

I have not shared this story with many people through the years and recently had a massive heart attack and felt it was time to tell my story while I can.

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