Lights On The Object

Lights On The Object

Date: June 1, 1947

Location: Cleveland, OH

It was about 2:15 a.m. when my wife woke me from a deep sleep and began to complain of stomach problems.

As I was getting out of bed to get her something to drink, I heard what seemed like a strong gust of wind banging the shutters against the house very loudly.

As I approached the window to see if it had been raining, a light of some sort, so blinding, appeared out of the darkness.

The windows then violently thrashed open and I went completely paralyzed.

All I could hear was what sounded like a thousand sirens ringing and my wife screaming in the background.

Then I began to levitate.

My wife had also been paralyzed and was floating, in midair right next to me.

I cant remember what happened from that point on but when I came to, I found me and my wife outside, in the middle of our yard.

When I looked over at my wife I could see she was screaming, but I couldn't hear anything coming out.

Then there was a complete silence, and let me tell you, I remember to this day that I have never heard a silence as silent as it was at that moment.

Next thing we knew we were transported by a beam of light into what seemed like complete darkness.

I couldn't see my wife, I couldn't feel my body, and I didn't know whether I was floating or strapped down.

But I could feel this pressure, this invisible force, that was compressing my lungs to the point where I couldn't even breathe another breath.

When I tried to scream, nothing came out, I didn't even know if I was breathing anymore.

I began to hear my wife gasping for air and once I could hear her, the pressure got stronger and I tried to take a deep breath but inhaled nothing but some sort of fluid that filled my lungs so much I could feel my skin burning as if it was tearing off my body.

It was then I began to hear my wife screaming the most awful, horrifying screams and I could do nothing for her.

I began to weep as a sharp pain engulfed my entire body.

It almost felt as if someone carved from the bottom of my legs through my spine, and up my body with a dull knife.

I have never felt pain so terrible in all my life.

I passed out for what seemed like eternity.

As I regained consciousness, I'm sure I saw my wife standing in front of me, and it seemed like she was reaching to embrace me, but when I tried to reach out for her, it felt like I had been thrown back and slammed into a brick wall which turned out to be the ground in my yard.

I looked over and saw my wife laying next to me motionless.

All the pain was gone and I looked over again to see my wife turning.

I got up as if I was never even touched or moved or thrown around.

I went over to help my wife up, and as I saw the expression on her face, everything inside of me burst because I knew that they had taken her from me forever.

My wife died that night, and to this day everyone believes that she passed in her sleep because the coroner could find no trace of injury and no sign of trauma that could have caused her to die.

Until now, I never told this story to anyone.

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