About The Size Of A Hot Dog Held At Arms Length

About The Size Of A Hot Dog Held At Arms Length

Date: June 6, 1963

Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

My friend & I were riding horseback, we stopped to rest the horses and watch the cows grazing.

The Sun was setting behind us and was low on the horizon behind us to the West.

I noticed a long silvery cigar shaped object which seemed close to the horizon to the East.

It appeared to be reflecting the sunlight, but it was also sort of rippling, like water in a brook.

It was a silver color and long like a cigar, and about a size of a hot dog held at arms length from where we were.

It was just hovering there and we heard no sound.

It was too huge to be reflections of windows and it was not moving as a plane would just hovering.

I was not frightened rather surprised and curious.

My friend wanted to leave, so we went home.

I did not mention anything to the family, although the next day there were some reports in the paper of strange objects sighted and some sort of apelike animal near Cochrane which is to the West of the city.

I don't know if there was any connection to the 2.

To this day I'm still curious as to what it was.

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