I need help on finding article that was in the Wichita Eagle the next day.
Business Man And Farmer See UFO.
I think they saw the same object as my mom and I did.
Here is my sighting:
I was around 7 years old at the time, I was out in the back yard in Wichita, KS, which is just North of Friends University.
It was in the late morning time because mom was doing the morning dishes.
I was playing under a large tree in the back yard, building a ranch with toy cowboys, I had a pinwheel for a windmill.
Everything was fine until I heard a loud humming sound.
I looked around to see where it was coming from, finally I looked up and just above the top of the tree was a bright multi colored object about 75' in diameter.
It just hovered right above the tree, I yelled for my mother, she came rushing out the back kitchen door, she looked up and saw the object.
About then the object took off to the North, over the house.
The next day mom showed me an article in the Wichita Eagle newspaper that read: Business Man And Farmer See UFO.
To this day I can not find this article, mother has since passed away.
After this sighting I had dreams about being around this tree and somthing sounded like someone snapping their fingers and I would start floating in the air towards the tree, the people around could not help me, about then I would wake up in a cold sweat.
I would have this dream over and over again until I was around 14 years old.
If anyone remembers seeing this object please reply.