The terms alien abduction or abduction phenomenon describe subjectively real memories of being taken secretly against one's will by apparently nonhuman entities & subjected to complex physical & psychological procedures.
People claiming to have been abducted are usually called abductees or experiencers.
Typical claims involve being subjected to forced medical examinations that emphasize abductee reproductive systems.
Abductees sometimes claim to have been warned against environmental abuse & the dangers of nuclear weapons.
Due to a lack of objective physical evidence, most scientists & mental health professionals dismiss the phenomenon as deception, suggestibility such as fantasy proneness, hypnotizability, false memory syndrome, personality, sleep paralysis, psychopathology, psychodynamics & environmental factors.
Skeptic Robert Sheaffer sees similarity between the aliens depicted in science fiction films, in particular, Invaders From Mars, & some of those reported to have actually abducted people.
The first alleged alien abduction claim to be widely publicized was the Betty & Barney Hill abduction in 1961.
Reports of the abduction phenomenon have been made around the world, but are most common in English speaking countries, especially the United States.
The contents of the abduction narrative often seem to vary with the home culture of the alleged abductee.
5 Strange Looking Entities Abduct Young Man
6 Hours Onboard UFO
1996 Fife Incident
A70 Abductions
A Strange But Very Real Fact
Abducted And Analyzed
Abducted In Lehi
Abducted While Hanging Out Washing
Abducted, Then Returned, While Sleeping
Abducted & Mind Control
I Met An Alien
Abducted By Aliens
Abducted By Aliens: Twins Tell Their Stories
Abducted By Aliens In Australia
Abductee Involved In UFO Crash
Abduction & Encounters In Lower Silesia
Abduction By The Septeloids
Abduction In Colonsay Island
Abduction In Cours Les Barre
Abduction In Florida
Abduction In Germany Of Pregnant Woman
Abduction In Tucson
Abduction In Whitehorse
Abduction In North Wales
Abduction In Waco
Abduction Of Carl Higdon
Abduction Of Jason Andrews
Abduction Of Joyce Updike
Abduction Of Myrna Hansen
Abduction On North Canol Road
Abduction Of Air Force Sergeant Moody
Abduction Somewhere Between Columbus & Mansfield
Abduction With Missing Time In Wales
Abduction & Experimentation
Alan Godfrey Abduction
Adrian & Alex's Abduction
Albert Burtoo Abduction
Acapulco Mexico Abduction
Alex Christopher Abduction
Allagash Abductions
Amy Rylance Abduction
Andreasson Affair
Antonio Villas Boas Abduction
Assorted UFO Events
Aveley Abduction
Barney & Betty Hill Abduction
BBQ Abductions
Bethel Abduction
Bill Herrmann Abduction
Bizarre Alien Abduction In Japan
Bonnie Jean Hamilton Abduction
Bret Oldham Abductions
Brooklyn Bridge Abduction
Buff Ledge Abduction
California Abduction
Carl Higdon Abduction
Carl Moore Abduction
Carlyle Lake Abduction
Case of USAF Sgt. Jonathan P. Lovette
Childhood Abduction & Mental/Visual Encounters
Christa Tiltan Abduction
Chugiak Possible Abduction
Cisco Grove Abduction Attempt
Couple Abducted In Brazil
Corporal Armando Valdes 5 Day Saga
Cullen Abduction
Dan Welch Abduction
Darlington Farm Case
Denise M. Stoner Abduction
Dionisio Llanca Abduction
Discovery Well Abduction
Doraty Abduction
Dr. Karla Turner About Alien Abductions
Early Alien Encounter, Near Abduction
Electrician Declares UFO Abduction
Elk Abducted In Washington State Wilderness
Ex-CIA Agent Claimed That Aliens Kidnap More Than One Million People Every Year
Father Of Many Alien Hybrids
Filiberto Cardenas Encounter & Abduction
First Known Abduction Case In Finland
Gabriella Versacci's Abduction & Encounter
Gained Psychic Powers After Abduction
Georgia Abduction
Gerry Irwin Alien Abduction
Grace Askew Alien Abduction
Granada Hills Abduction
Green Cove Springs Abduction
Grey Aliens Took Man
Harry Turner Incident
Herb Schirmer Abduction
Hess Abduction
Horrifying Alien Abduction Of Corina Saebels
I Am Karen
I Was Abducted By Alien Beings
Infant Abduction
Irma Rick Impregnated
Italy Abduction
Interview With The Aliens
Janaillat Abduction
Jane Murphys Alien Abduction & Seduction
John Mann Family Abduction
Jose Antonio Da Silva Abduction
Kelly Cahill Alien Abduction
Kidnapped By UFOs?
Kristina Florence Abduction
Laguna Niguel Abduction?
Lifelong Abductees
Lights Out
Lisa Tenney Abductions
Long Haul Truckers Wife Abducted?
Lydia Nikolayevna Smirnova Encounter
Lynda Jones Abduction In Didsbury
Man Reported Details Of Abduction To Friend
Marines Abduction
Mating The Woman From Venus
Memory Robbed
Meng Zhaoguo Abduction
Military Maneuver Abduction
Mind/Thought Controlled Abduction
Missing Time, Multiple Times
Mom & Lisa
Mother & Daughter Abducted While Walking To Work
Mountain Home AFB Hybrid Alien Childhood Encounter
Multiple Abductions Of Steve Colbern