The 37th parallel North is a circle of latitude that is 37º North of the Earth's equatorial plane.
It crosses Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America, and the Atlantic Ocean.
At this latitude the Sun is visible for 14 hours, 42 minutes during the summer solstice and 9 hours, 37 minutes during the winter solstice.
This is roughly the northern limit of the visibility of Canopus, the second brightest star of the night sky.
The 37th parallel seems to have a higher than normal amount of unusual activity.
Ranging from UFO activity, to Ghost Lights, Ancient Buildings, Burial Grounds & Cave Systems.
Some are as indicated below:
• Alamosa, CO - San Luis Valley/Blanca Peak, UFO sightings/base.
• Arboles, CO - Navajo State Park - Sacred Native American site.
• AZ, CO, NM, & UT - Four Corners Monument - It is the only point in the United States shared by 4 states.
• Athens, Greece - Parthenon.
• Aztec, NM - 1948 Aztec UFO crash. Possible Hoax.
• Between Albuquerque & Farmington, NM - Chaco Culture National Historical Park,Native American site.
• Big Pine, CA - Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest - Native American site.
• Border between North and South Korea.
• Cape Girardeau, MO - 1941 UFO crash & retrieval.
• Collinsville, IL - Cahokia Mounds - Native American site.
• Death Valley, CA - Caves said to have remains of 8' to 9' giants.
• Didyma, Turkey - The Temple Of Apollo At Didyma Or Didymaion.
• Dulce, NM Underground possible human/alien base.
• Elizabethtown, KY - Fort Knox.
• Elkhart, KS - Cimarron National Grassland, Native American site.
• Farmington, NM - UFO Armada Of 1950.
• Freedom,OK - Alabaster Caverns State Park - Natural Cavern site.
• Fukushima,Japan - 2011 Earthquake.
• Granada, Spain - 1976 Famous UFO sighting.
• Greenbrier, VA - Massive underground bunker for Congress.
• Grand Canyon, AZ - Cave locations throughout.
• Hakui, Japan is renowned as the UFO capital of Japan. The region boasts the highest density of modern UFO sightings in the country.
• Hawthorne, NV - US Naval Undersea Warfare base.
• Highland Park, IL - 2000 Black Triangle sighting.
• Joplin MO - Joplin Spook Lights.
• KY - Mammoth Cave National Park, Natural Cavern site.
• Leroy, KS Coffey County - 1897 cattle mutilation. Possible Hoax.
• Los Alamos, NM
• Malaga, Spain - Dolmen of Menga, a megalithic burial mound called a tumulus.
• Mediterranean Sea - Sea Monolith, Possibly an Underwater Stonehenge style rock found in the Mediterranean may have served as a lighthouse 10,000 years ago, it was found 37 miles off the coast of Sicily, it sits within the ± one mile range of the 37th parallel.
• Mesa Verde National Park,CO - Native American site.
• Moab,UT - Canyonlands National Park, Sacred Native American site.
• Mono Lake, CA - UFO sightings.
• Mount Bandai, Yama-Gun, Fukushima, Japan - 1888 eruption of Mount Bandai, worst volcanic disaster in recent Japanese history, with similarities to the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Mount Bandai is a stratovolcano located in Fukushima prefecture, compare 2011 Tohoku earthquake & tsunami effects on Fukushima.
• Mount Etna, Sicily - The borders of 10 municipalities meet on the summit of Mount Etna, making this point one of the most complicated geopolitical multi points anywhere in the northern hemisphere.
• Mount Nemrut, Turkey - notable for the summit where a number of large statues are erected around what is assumed to be a royal tomb from the 1st century BC.
• Mycenae, Greece - Treasury of Atreus, megalithic beehive tomb on the Panagitsa Hill.
• Osirian civilization, encompassing the Mediterranean basin.
• NV - Area 51.
• Nineveh Governorate, Iraq - Located at Mosul, one of the cities along the Silk Road.
• Owensboro, KY - 1948 Mantell UFO Encounter.
• Piedmont, MO - 1973 UFO case, over 500 sightings.
• Pritchett, CO - Comanche National Grassland, Sacred Native American site.
• Qiemo River or Qarqan river, China - Travels through the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the ancient Uiger civilization.
Uiger is claimed to be the primary colony of Mu.
• San Francisco,CA - Land's End Labyrinth, Unusual anomalies site & The Great 1906 San Francisco quake.
• Seville, Spain - A high concentration of UFO activity in Seville, as well as the year 1968 peaking the highest amount of UFO sightings in Spain & Portugal, was reported in the Vicente Olmos 1976 UFO catalogue.
• Stanford, KY - Stanford UFO Abductions
• Taos, NM - Home of the Taos Hum
• The Pentagon
• Transasia, Silk Road, the Silk Road was a network of Eurasian trade routes active from the second century BCE until the mid-15th century.
• Tri-Valley, CA
• Trinidad/Westin/San Luis, CO - cattle mutilations.
• UT/AZ - Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Sacred Native American site.
• UT - Zion National Park, Sacred Native American site.
• Virginia earthquake on 08/23/2011, occurred at the Central Virginia Seismic Zone.
• Wytheville, VA - Mass UFO Sightings.