Big Round Mirror

Big Round Mirror

Date: September 18, 2013

Location: Tucson, AZ

Me and two other truck drivers what's coming west on I 10 into straight in front of us was the mountain that has the big A on the west side of Tucson. We were still on the east side of the mountain coming toward it when we witness something probably about 48' to 50' in diameter

It looked like somebody was holding a big round mirror with the sun shining off of it floating across the top of that mountain and started coming down into the valley of Tucson.

About that time three US Air Force fighter jets come screaming over the top of us going from east to west towards the object. Before the jets could get close the object, it shot straight in the air and disappeared.

Never seen nothing like it, don't know if it was a UFO or not.

Just curious to know, has anybody else seen this in the Tucson area and why was the fighter jets going towards itto intercepted.

Thank You

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