I Could See They Had Badges...

I Could See They Had Badges...

Location: Mullaney, PA

I could see they had badges under their coats, but they didn’t identify themselves.

One of the more recent stories about real interactions with the Men in Black deals with the recent spate of mysterious booms that have echoed throughout the skies of the United States. More specifically, the series of unexplained booms that happened throughout Pennsylvania.

Recent reports suggest that people from the FBI, or a similar government entity interrogated locals in the Mullaney area about the booms. More specifically, it seems like the officials wanted to know what people saw, if they saw anything.

Unlike what you might hope from the government, the questioning locals have been getting was anything other than friendly. One resident discussed her encounter this way: "Two men in dark suits and dark car were banging on our front door and back door at the time until I answered. I could see they had badges under their coats, but they didn’t identify themselves. It was unnerving. Then they left."

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