I Thought it was a Fireworks Display

I Thought it was a Fireworks Display

Date: February 22, 1997

Location: Bairro de Nordexte in Aracagi, Joćo Pessoa, Brazil

Hello. My name is Messias de Oliveira.

At 4:58 p.m. I was walking through the Bairro de Nordexte in Aracagi, Joćo Pessoa, Brazil. As I walked by the Compostagem bus stop, I observed an oval shaped light, extremely bright, rising into the air, giving the appearance of being hidden behind the bus station.

It gave off whitish smoke.

At first, I thought it was a teardrop shaped fireworks display before realizing it was far stranger than that.

I thought to myself:

It's going to fall.

But the object continued to rise noiselessly into the air. It appeared to be huge and like nothing I had ever seen.

I was very afraid.

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